Vote for 2014’s Best New Shaw Business!
Vote for 2014’s Best New Shaw Business!
Show your appreciation to your favorite new Shaw business: Vote in Shaw Main Streets’ tenth annual Best New Shaw Business of the Year contest! New businesses that opened in 2014 are eligible. Businesses that relocated within the Shaw Main Streets service area or changed names and service businesses not located in retail locations are not eligible. The businesses that receive the most votes will be recognized as the three Best New Shaw Business of 2014 at the Shaw Main Streets Annual Meeting on March 24, 2015 at 7:00 PM at Long View Gallery, 1234 9th Street, NW.
Here is the list of eligible businesses:
Al Crostino, 1926 9th Street, NW
Anthem, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Appioo African Restaurant and Bar, 1924 9th Street, NW
Beau Thai, 1550 7th Street, NW
Cambria Suites, 899 O Street, NW
Chaplin's Restaurant and Bar, 1501 9th Street, NW
Compass Coffee, 1535 7th Street, NW
The Dignitary, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Dino’s Grotto, 1914 9th Street, NW
Dolci Gelati, 1420 8th Street, NW
El Rey, 919 U Street, NW
Fishnet, 1819 7th Street, NW
High Velocity, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
I Ching Restaurant & Bar, 639 Florida Avenue, NW
Ivy & Coney, 1537 7th Street, NW
La Colombe, 924 N Street, NW, Rear (Blagden Alley)
Lost & Found, 1240 9th Street, NW
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Solid Core, 1821 7th Street, NW
Starbucks, 901 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Starbucks, 815 O Street, NW
SwatchRoom, 1527 9th Street, NW
Thai X-ing, 2020 9th Street, NW
Uprising Muffin Company, 1817 7th Street, NW
Urban Kitchen, 899 O Street, NW
Wanda’s on 7th Salon and Spa, 1851 7th Street, NW
To cast your vote, send an email to
[email protected] with the name of your favorite new business of 2014 in the subject line and your name in the message no later than 12:00 PM on Monday, March 23, 2015, in order for your vote to be counted. Only one entry per email address will be accepted.
Be sure to let your favorite business know you voted for them. And then plan to attend the Shaw Main Streets Annual Meeting to see which new businesses won the awards.