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Shaw Main Streets Holds Historic Fundraiser

Shaw Main Streets' biennial gala took place on April 18, 2012 at Long View Gallery (1234 9th St., NW).  The event raised approximately $80,000 for the commercial revitalization and historic preservation non-profit, ensuring that the historic Shaw neighborhood will continue to thrive.

By all counts, the beautiful event was a major success for Shaw Main Streets.  Attendees -- approximately 150 in number -- enjoyed delicious food and drinks (including a signature cocktail by Derek Brown of The Passenger), while entertained by a live jazz quartet.  The venue looked gorgeous, as 115 Japanese lanterns hung from the soaring ceilings of Long View, referencing the cherry blossom theme of the event, and dramatic flowers and candles elegantly adorned tables and bars.

Style guru Paul Wharton, of Paul Wharton Style on the CW, emceed the program, which included handing out three awards: Shaw Champion, Shaw Community Partner, and Shaw Game Changer Business.  The deserving winners -- Henok Tesfaye, Old City Green, and The Passenger, respectfully -- are valued contributors to the positive trajectory of the Shaw community.

Following the brief awards ceremony, Lena Lett -- drag queen hostess at the area's largest gay danceclub Town Danceboutique -- conducted a live auction of twelve exciting packages.  

Many thanks to Gala Planning Committee, headed by Gala Chair and Shaw Main Streets Board Member Susan Linsky, for their time and hard work in planning, promoting and executing the Gala, recruiting sponsors and donors, and generally enhancing the Shaw Main Streets brand.


View images from the gala here.