Free Woodson Home Preview and Reception, 02/26/17!
Come celebrate the completion of Phase 1 of the creation of the Carter G. Woodson Home National Historic Site and be among the first to see the interior of the newly renovated historic home of the father of African American History on Sunday, February 26, 2017, at 3:00 PM.
Following a program at Seaton Elementary School (entrance on the 900 block of Rhode Island Avenue, NW), 200 ticketholders (pick up timed entry tickets at the door at Seaton) will have the opportunity to visit the home.
A reception at Shiloh Baptist Church's Henry C. Gregory, III Family Life Center will follow the event at Seaton, and will include musical and dance performances (City Dance), presentations on Dr. Woodson and the Shaw neighborhood, free Shaw Heritage Coloring Books and crayons for kids, and much more.
These events are free and open to the public. No RSVPs are required.
Note: Tours of the Woodson Home will begin this summer on weekends, beginning Memorial Day weekend.
So come help celebrate this exciting news in Shaw, Where DC Comes Together.
I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!