Carter G. Woodson Park Dedication, 12/05/15, 12:00 PM

Shaw Dedicates Carter G. Woodson Park!
On Saturday, December 5, 2015, at 12:00 PM, Shaw Main Streets will dedicate Carter G. Woodson Park and celebrate the 140th anniversary of the birth of the father of Black History, who lived and worked at 1538 9th Street, NW, for almost 30 years.
The park was named for Dr. Woodson in 2001, and a new sculpture and exedra, as well as landscaping and lighting, were installed this summer.
Dr. Woodson's accomplishments and legacy will be recalled in remarks by elected officials, historians, the National Park Service, and the sculptor.
Carter G. Woodson Park is located at 900 Rhode Island Avenue, NW. The event is free and open to the public, and no reservations are required.
"Truth comes to us from the past, then, like gold washed down from the mountains." —from The Story of the Negro Retold by Carter G. Woodson (1935)